The Road To Heaven

I took a van from daulatpur to sukkur along with an old man. Till moro we had seating issue but after that we got comfortable seats. When we reached at tool plaza near moro, driver gave tool tax to to the person standing there for collection. After paying due amount he got a receipt and moved ahead. After couple of minutes the conductor asked the driver about remaining balance. The driver said what are you talking about? Conductor replied that you had given 500 to the person for tool tax, didn’t you collect remaining balance. The driver said Oh! damn I forgot….. We returned to tool plaza from there to collect remaining balance. When we reached there, the driver went to collect money.Image

During that youngster appeared from window of van in which we (I and old man) were seated with a bunch on bananas. He offered old man bananas to buy those at a cheaper price. The old man said to him Give me in the name of ALLAH, you’ll get heaven hereafter. The youngster replied I am so sinful that GOD will punish me a lot. The old man said said give me bananas I guarantee that you will go to heaven. Youngster said Baba ji, it is not possible but he said it is my head ache give me bananas & rest leave on me. Finally youngster gave bananas to old man that we eat together. After that the old man said to me: look he is a true believer because he has read kalma on Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him. Though he may get some some punishment for his negative deeds but as promised he will definitely go to heave. I was very pleased to listen that how pure, optimistic and hopeful the old man was. I wished all would be like that!!!.

Well when the driver returned and we asked him about the money. He said that the person was not ready to give us amount after a debate until the head of tool plaza came and said that we will give you amount on one condition. The condition said that if front line passengers say that driver really gave 500 to cash collector and the driver agreed. The passengers said yes he had given him 500 and in hurry he forgot to collect remaining amount. After listening that they gave us the money. After that the van ran smoothly and we all arrived at our respective destinations.

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